Board Resolution for Closing Bank Account of the Company
“RESOLVED THAT the Company’s Banking Current Account No___________ maintained with the __________________Bank, at _____________ Branch having address _________________________ , be closed and the amount, if any, lying in the said account be returned to the Company by way of issuance of Bankers’ Cheque payable at …………… or transfer to other Current Account maintained in the name of the Company, and the following Directors of the Company be and are hereby severally authorized to do all such acts, deeds and things and to sign all such documents, papers and writing as may be necessary in this regard.
FURTHER RESOLVED THAT Mr./Ms _____________________, CFO/Director/Company Secretary be and is hereby authorized to do all such acts, deeds and things and to sign/submit all such documents as may be required for the purpose of closure of the above-said Bank Account.
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT a certified true copy of the above resolution be forwarded to the Bank for necessary action at their end.”
For and on behalf of ___________ (Company Name)___________
___________________ (Name of Company Secretary, if any/Director)
___________________ (Designation)
_____________________ (DIN/Membership No. as the case may be)
_____________________ (Address of the Director)